The Dreamers
This photo series shows America through the lens of an immigrant. I began to see and get to know this land as soon as I arrived here more than a decade ago. Therefore, this project has a beginning, but no end. As I commuted daily in New York City and traveled frequently for work and leisure to other states, and made adventurous trips to far-flung locations like Hawaii and Alaska, I started gathering the moments that have been critical to take notice of. The significance of these moments comes from the cultural difference and social distance I felt when I encountered them. A new definition of beauty, a complex interaction on the street or a publicly accepted tradition made me wonder and made me eager to record it.
2017 - Present
Interview with LENSCRATCH - Fine Art Photography Daily
Featured on Musee magazine - The vanguard of photography and film culture
A homeless woman put on make-up on the street, New York City, 2018
Friends hanging out in the street on a hot summer day, New York City, 2019
Tourists pose with the banner of One World Trade Center, New York City, 2018
A father snaps a photo of his son sitting behind the presidency's seat, Madame Tussauds Museum, New York City, 2022
A storefront window, New York City, 2021
A supermarket, Gallup, New Mexico, 2022
Couple waiting for the start of a street carnival, State College, PA, 2017
Visitors take picture with shrinking Exit glacier in Seward, Alaska, 2018
US-Mexico border, San Diego, California, 2022
An indigenous American is living in a junkyard, claiming that the government has taken all of his property, New Mexico, 2022
On a farm, a ruined mobile kindergarten lies abandoned. At the border of Wyoming and Utah, June 2023
At the end of their working hours, teenage workers at a burger place pose for the camera. Bozeman, Montana, June 2023
A storefront window, New York City, 2021
A local carpenter has crafted a cascade for sale, but he now prefers to keep it for personal use when needed, Virginia, 2022
Kids playing with a tank monument at a military park in Pennsylvania, 2023